Monterey Bay Aquarium

Log Number: MA-10-15-0108-15

The Monterey Bay Aquarium will develop distance learning models with the goal of improving children's learning outcomes through pre- and post-field trip experiences that reinforce ocean science concepts and extending ocean science learning opportunities to children in schools too distant to visit the aquarium. The models will build on preliminary distance learning initiatives and employ three strategies: a multi-class data collection experience with an online portal for data analysis, modeling citizen science principle in the classroom; virtually facilitated activities to complement and extend field trip experiences; and an interactive e-book describing the kelp forest exosystem to extend on- and off-site learning experiences. The project will directly benefit 1,600 students who participate in the activities, and indirectly benefit all students who participate in the museum's field trip programs as a result of efforts to increase the depth and breadth of outreach to students overall. An independent evaluator will help measure success along with focus groups, pre- and post-test surveys, interviews, and guided observations.