Kohl Children's Museum

Log Number: MA-10-15-0042-15

The Kohl children's Museum will develop a 1500 sq ft exhibit titled "My Backyard" to engage children of ages 2 through 8 in active, open-ended play that combines physical objects and technology with learning about coding, engineering, and design in a setting that mimics a suburban backyard. It will also offer activities to engage older siblings, caregivers, and teachers in the exploration, fostering the engagement of families with children in different age groups and with different learning styles. Non-screen technology, such as embedded microchips that make it possible for objects to "react" to each other as children play with them, will be an important element to encourage active, rather than passive, use of technology. "My Backyard" will also feature walls and ceilings onto which daytime or nighttime scenes can be projected, controlled lighting, holographs, a responsive floor, motion detectors, and several small areas for individual or small group play.