Lincoln Park Zoo

Log Number: MA-06-11-0141-11

Lincoln Park Zoo will develop six new mobile learning stations (carts) to create a dynamic visitor experience, promote the zoo’s mission, and encourage visitors to share what they have learned. This new fleet, to be positioned at key locations throughout the zoo grounds, will foster inquiry through activities such as observing, questioning, discussing, and reflecting. The development of each station’s topic and content will include curatorial staff, conservation scientists, zoo members, teachers, volunteers, and zoo education staff members. After all stakeholder groups have been consulted, functional three-dimensional models will be created for on-grounds pilot testing of design and curricula. Based on pilot testing, revisions will be made and the stations will be fabricated. A comprehensive training program will be developed to prepare volunteers for implementing the new mobile learning stations. A full evaluation will be used to assess the effectiveness of the mobile learning stations.