The Wild Center

Log Number: MA-04-10-0326-10

The Wild Center (TWC) will use its grant to continue to support the Adirondack “Communities and Climate (C&C)” program. This program builds TWC’s capacity to serve its audience by implementing a comprehensive climate education program, focusing on the next generation and providing a model for rural communities. By hiring a coordinator and consultants, TWC can integrate and enhance the five elements of C&C, which are The Adirondack Climate and Energy Action Plan (ADKCAP), a regional partnership to reduce energy and carbon use; the 2010 and 2011 Adirondack Youth Climate Summits, which will build on the first Summit held in November 2009; a discussion guide and dissemination of the award-winning film “A Matter of Degrees (MOD)”; an educational module on TWC’s green building “New Path” exhibit; and a Distance-learning Module.