Louisiana Children's Museum

Log Number: MA-03-06-0441-06

The Louisiana children's Museum, in an effort to address the urgent needs of rebuilding the well-being of our children and families, will begin a program entitled "Re-Connecting, Re-Engaging, Re-Building." The Museum has long served as a center for community engagement, and had a Director of Community Engagement on the staff for a one year period in 2005. The focus of her work was to build from the museum's strenghts, the directives of our strategic plan, the voices from the community and create a new initiative on the well-being of families. That research was completed in July of 2005. With Katrina's impact in New Orleans, the program we had designed is not only timely but also desperately needed. We will celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of Louisiana's arts, music, and literature - through play and play therapy. Further, we will employ a child psychologist / play therapist to address critical needs of our families.