Jewish Historical Society of Maryland

Log Number: MA-02-05-0087-05

The Jewish Museum of Maryland (JMM) will use the IMLS grant to research, plan, design, fabricate, and install a core exhibition as part of the museum’s efforts to sustain cultural heritage. The JMM project is predicated on the idea that sustaining cultural heritage involves both the conservation of cultural resources and their effective interpretation. The exhibition will explore the overlapping worlds of several ethnic groups, demonstrating their interconnections and reciprocal influences. This project will serve as an emblem of institutional identity, frame the museum’s interpretation, and provide needed context for the site and programs. The exhibition will directly advance two JMM strategic goals: 1) maintaining excellence and 2) developing new audiences. In addition, the exhibition will relieve pressure on the museum’s limited financial resources by enabling JMM to reduce the number of original exhibitions produced each year. The project will enhance JMM’s capacity for long-term growth while serving the needs of two critical audience segments—public school students and family visitors. The project is informed by a multicultural interpretation; a variety of evocative settings, immersive environments, hands-on discovery activities, and media presentations will make that interpretation accessible and engaging for an intergenerational audience. The exhibition will be developed over two years (beginning in August 2005) by a highly qualified and proven team of JMM professional staff, scholar-advisors, design and media consultants, and fabrication contractors. IMLS’s investment in this project will materially advance institutional goals, increase JMM capacity, and break new ground in the interpretation of Jewish cultural heritage, while serving a variety of new and growing audiences.