
Pacific Science Center

Log Number: MA-02-04-0535-04

Purpose: Supporting Lifelong Learning The Pacific Science Center (PSC) is recognized in the community for providing exemplary hands-on exhibits, successful educational programs, and innovative outreach programs. However, the economic downturn in the past few years caused staff reductions throughout the museum that have limited its ability to offer the optimal number of staff-visitor interactions, including live science demonstrations, planetarium shows, and discovery carts. A recent visitor survey confirms the need for improvement in onsite educational programming, especially in the area of staff-visitor interactions. Volunteer and Staff Training: Improving the Visitor Experience (VAST) is a key component of PSC's effort to increase the quantity and quality of staff interactions with visitors while conforming to fiscal realities. VAST will improve PSC's onsite education program by providing a new structure for in-depth training of staff and volunteers and by establishing an intern program for high school and college students that will increase the number of live science shows the center can present to the public. Staff and volunteer training will focus on science content, presentation skills, and questioning techniques to make the most of interactions with visitors.