
Koreshan State Historic Site

Log Number: MA-01-04-0436-04

Purpose: Sustaining Cultural Heritage This grant will be used to hire an experienced designer/installer to conduct research and implement specific projects planned for historic structures, prominent features of the Victorian gardens, and the freestanding display panels throughout the grounds of the Koreshan Unity Settlement in Estero, Florida. The settlement is a National Historic Register District consisting of 11 buildings in a garden landscape. The exhibit designer, under the supervision of the museum curator, will construct new exhibits in 10 of the 11 buildings. In addition to the new exhibits, some existing exhibits will be upgraded to enhance security, the care of artifacts, and visitor experiences and educational opportunities. The long-term impact of the project is the completion of exhibits and displays, either installed or portable, for use in buildings and throughout the grounds. The long-standing need for professional exhibits in the settlement that appropriately interpret the Koreshans will be fulfilled. Upon completion of the project and the designer's tenure, remaining staff will be able to maintain the exhibits and displays with direction from the curator.