
Oklahoma Department of Libraries

Log Number: LS-256837-OLS-24

The Oklahoma Department of Libraries will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2023-2027, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). Specific goals include: 1) Enable Access to Information - Oklahoma residents will have convenient access to relevant, high-quality information resources in formats that they can use to achieve their educational, occupational, and personal/recreational goals; 2) Strengthen Libraries - Oklahoma residents will be served by local libraries that employ knowledgeable, community-focused staff members who incorporate the best professional practices and up-to-date technologies to deliver relevant, high-quality library services.; and 3) Help Build Thriving Communities - Oklahoma residents will have opportunities to reach their full potential, by achieving their educational, occupational, and personal goals and by participating in and contributing to the vitality of their communities.