Hawaii State Public Library System
Log Number: LS-256814-OLS-24
The Hawaii State Public Library System will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2023-2027, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). Specific goals include: 1) Robust infrastructure - the physical and technological infrastructure for the entire Hawaii State Public Library System will support ILS operations, access to online electronic databases and other online resources, and Internet access; 2) 24/7 virtual collections - develop and promote an appropriate collection of online databases and other online resources; 3) Lifelong Learning - develop and promote an appropriate collection of online learning tools and resources that support the development of new knowledge and skills; 4) Innovative Service Development - identify areas where services can be improved and develop new models; and 5) Educated Library Workforce - provide continuing education training for library staff to upgrade their technological skills and knowledge and to maintain currency in library best practices.