
Arizona State Library

Log Number: LS-256360-OLS-24

The Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2023-2027, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). In Arizona, specific goals include: 1) Information Preservation and Access - support preservation and stewardship of information in libraries and the State Archives, and encourage equitable access to information in a variety of formats; 2) Informal Education - support lifelong learning programs that help to develop life literacies, including digital/technological, workforce, parenting, health, and financial literacies; 3) Institutional Improvements - support technology resources, staff skills, programs, and collections in libraries while addressing barriers to accessing these resources and services; and 4) Inclusive Communities - support the efforts of libraries to engage with community members from diverse backgrounds, foster connections with other community organizations, and collaborate with partners to contribute to community well-being.