Utah State Library Division

Log Number: LS-252487-OLS-22

Utah State Library will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2018-2022, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).   State goals include: 1) Information Access – all residents of Utah will have access to the quality information resources they need to succeed at school, at work, and in their daily lives; 2) Institutional Capacity – all residents of Utah will have convenient access to libraries and library services that are technologically advanced, efficiently operated and staffed by knowledgeable, helpful workers who employ the best professional practices; 3) Lifelong Learning – all residents of Utah will and have to library resources that promote literacy, education, and lifelong learning and enhance workforce development, 21st century skills, and digital literacy; and 4) Civic Engagement – all residents of Utah will expand their involvement I community life as a result of participation in community-based programs held through the library. 

Page 1 of 30 results

Title Log Number Grantee Start Date End Date LSTA State Match Other Match
Book Bike for American Fork Outreach LS-252487-OLS-22 AMERICAN FORK CITY LIBRARY 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $9,000 $0 $245
Reaching Out to Latino Community LS-252487-OLS-22 AMERICAN FORK CITY LIBRARY 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $20,000 $0 $0
Desk Bike Peddler LS-252487-OLS-22 Parowan High School 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $1,541 $0 $0
Spanish Storytime to Go Backpacks LS-252487-OLS-22 SALT LAKE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $9,934 $0 $0
RFID/Self-Checkout of Roosevelt & Duchesne Branch Collections LS-252487-OLS-22 DUCHESNE COUNTY LIBRARY 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $17,729 $0 $13,191
Learning Through a Library of Things LS-252487-OLS-22 SPANISH FORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $6,100 $0 $3,112
Libraries Save Lives: Technology and Training for Elmo and Emery Branch Libraries LS-252487-OLS-22 EMERY COUNTY LIBRARY 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $4,958 $0 $8,675
STEAM Mobile MakerSpace LS-252487-OLS-22 Paradigm High School 06/30/2022 08/30/2023 $4,000 $0 $52
Training for Autistic Patrons in Libraries LS-252487-OLS-22 Utah State Library Division 09/30/2022 09/29/2023 $122 $0 $0
Hotspot Grant LS-252487-OLS-22 Utah State Library Division 09/30/2022 09/29/2023 $159,488 $0 $60,355
Beehive Library Consortium LS-252487-OLS-22 Utah State Library Division 09/30/2022 09/29/2023 $251,166 $0 $0
Youth Services Literacy Initiative - Author Visits LS-252487-OLS-22 Utah State Library Division 09/30/2022 09/29/2023 $17,707 $0 $0
Training Support for Public Libraries LS-252487-OLS-22 Utah State Library Division 03/23/2023 08/30/2023 $5,995 $0 $3,018
Interlibrary Loan Support LS-252487-OLS-22 Utah State Library Division 06/30/2022 06/29/2023 $215,190 $0 $189,154
Spanish Wonderbooks Collection LS-252487-OLS-22 Utah State Library Division 08/31/2022 09/29/2023 $1,755 $0 $0