
New Hampshire State Library

Log Number: LS-252473-OLS-22

The New Hampshire State Library will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2018-2022, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). In New Hampshire, specific goals address 1) Increasing the equity of access to library and information services for New Hampshire residents of all abilities and backgrounds by providing resource sharing, electronic resources, and continuing access to historic materials through direct services as well as coordination of linkages among and between libraries and partnerships with other agencies and organizations; 2) Increasing the equity of service to New Hampshire residents by providing professional development resources and opportunities to librarians throughout the state so that they can learn about best practices and library initiatives that will help them better serve their constituents, especially children, older residents, and rural populations; and 3) Inspiring lifelong learning and advancing the equity of innovative services and programming by developing projects for use by the state's libraries, including scalable pilot projects, to anticipate and meet the changing needs of New Hampshire's residents for library services and information.