
Montana State Library, Natural Resource Information System

Log Number: LS-252470-OLS-22

The Montana State Library will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2018-2022, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). In Montana, specific goals address 1) The Montana State Library encouraging, planning, implementing, and supporting libraries with collaborative efforts; 2) The Montana library community speaking in a way that reveals its interconnectedness and establishes a cohesive "Montana library" identity that helps community members understand that libraries are for their lives right now as well as for their lifetimes; 3) Librarians, advisory members, and board members listening to their community members to design library services that make a difference in the community while continuing to bridge digital/traditional library services; 4) Every Montanan having access to the Internet; and 5) Library community having adequate and stable support to provide the best library service possible.