South Carolina State Library

Log Number: LS-246182-OLS-20

The South Carolina State Library will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2018-2022, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).  Goals include: 1) Information and library services are expanded and are made more accessible, taking advantage of collaborative and partnering opportunities whenever possible, and are aligned with documented needs of South Carolinians; 2) recruitment and training of library staff are improved to increase leadership and skills needed to better serve the public; 3) libraries play a larger role in children’s lives, particularly children at risk, and especially in regard to reading and family literacy; 4) access to quality library services in enhanced for people who have difficulty using a library, and to underserved urban and rural communities; 5) library services are improved, through collaborative and partnering efforts whenever possible, for people of diverse geographic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds for people with disabilities, and for people with limited functional literacy; 6) the technological environment of libraries, including linkages between libraries, is improved to enhance access to information and services; and 7) all people in South Carolina have access to information through electronic resource sharing.

Page 1 of 20 results

Title Log Number Grantee Start Date End Date LSTA State Match Other Match
York County Library (YCL) Wheelchair Accessible Sprinter Van LS-246182-OLS-20 YORK COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 09/30/2019 09/29/2021 $50,000 $0 $0
Literacy Bridge for Kids LS-246182-OLS-20 GEORGETOWN COUNTY LIBRARY 09/30/2020 09/29/2021 $25,000 $0 $0
Read, Learn and Grow Outreach Boxes LS-246182-OLS-20 SUMTER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM 09/30/2020 09/29/2021 $10,208 $0 $0
Mobile Creative Studio LS-246182-OLS-20 CHARLESTON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM 09/30/2020 09/29/2021 $24,970 $0 $0
Technology for Virtual Programming Grants for South Carolina Libraries LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 09/29/2021 $11,305 $0 $0
Statewide Services LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 06/29/2021 $196,321 $0 $0
Summer Reading Grants for South Carolina Libraries LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 09/29/2021 $32,136 $0 $0
Emergency Preparedness LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 05/31/2020 06/29/2021 $96,102 $0 $0
Talking Books Services for South Carolina LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 09/29/2021 $48,477 $0 $0
Statewide Literacy Services LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 06/29/2021 $229,296 $0 $0
Collection & Digitization for South Carolina LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 06/29/2021 $62,096 $0 $0
Youth Services and Statewide Summer Reading LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 09/29/2021 $117,818 $0 $0
Information Technology LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 06/29/2021 $473,208 $0 $0
Electronic Services for South Carolina LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 06/30/2020 06/29/2021 $690,271 $1,442,980 $0
Staff Development and Continuing Education LS-246182-OLS-20 South Carolina State Library 09/30/2019 09/29/2021 $280,977 $0 $0