
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education

Log Number: LG-86-17-0035-17

The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) in collaboration with Florida State University's School of Information will conduct research and develop a framework for K-12 school librarians as leaders in curating and promoting open educational resources (OERs) to enhance teaching and learning. Through in-depth case studies of school librarian leaders in OERs across a spectrum of school districts, the project will document OERs digital curation practices and workflows, identify how librarians can lead in all aspects of OERs use to align with school district goals and fulfill student needs, and create and disseminate practical recommendations for establishing the key roles school librarians can play in the adoption and implementation of open educational resource strategies. Project findings will be widely disseminated to the target audiences of school and district leaders, librarians, researchers, teachers, professional networks, and policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels to serve the diverse needs of communities across the nation.