University of Florida (University of Florida Libraries, George A. Smathers Libraries)

Log Number: LG-81-15-0155-15

The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries in partnership with researchers at OCLC and Rutgers University will study 180 students, from primary to graduate school, working in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Using a task-based methodology, the project team study will observe students' cognition in action. They will prescreening participants using a survey; create and implement subject-based simulations using Articulate's Storyline software; use a think-aloud protocol to understand student choices, behaviors and rationale during video-recorded sessions; code and analyze qualitative and qualitative datasets; and share findings with library and educational communities. The researchers will also create workshops, webinars, and customized exercises to advance information literacy-related instruction for students in K12, community college, and university environments.