University of Washington

Log Number: LG-55-09-0099-09

The purpose of Project VIEWS is to extend the local model of successful early learning services and partnerships in Washington State’s public libraries into an exemplary, evaluated model that could be utilized nationally to support children’s success in school through public library leadership. The University of Washington Information School is collaborating with the Florida State University College of Information; the Washington Early Learning Public Library Partnership of 21 urban, suburban, and rural library systems; and the Washington Foundation for Early Learning, a nonprofit organization supporting early childhood development. Other supporters include the Washington State Library and Early Learning Department, the Public Library Association, and the Association for Library Service to Children. This planning project will increase knowledge of areas in which the early learning initiatives can expand, increase appreciation of stakeholders for collaborative contributions to early literacy, and disseminate a White Paper that documents needed early learning research. The final product will be a plan for expanding existing Washington programs into a national replicable model. The target audiences include public library directors and librarians and their colleagues in partnering organizations.