
Aurora East Public Schools, District 131

Log Number: LG-29-19-0227-19

The Aurora Public School East Side District #131 will transform the library at Simmons Middle School from an underutilized space to a 21st century learning commons. Library staff will conduct focus groups with students and teachers about the library redesign and the reimagined library service model to help create a sense of ownership in the process. Staff will visit other local learning commons and participate in professional development opportunities. Library staff and classroom teachers will collaborate on instructional programs and professional learning communities. The library will also reconfigure the space with more functional furniture and a more collaborative layout, develop a more flexible schedule for library use during the school day, and extend library hours beyond the school day.
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
lg-29-19-0227-19-proposal.pdf 875.53 KB
lg-29-19-0227-19-proposal.pdf 875.53 KB