University at Albany (University at Albany, University Libraries)

Log Number: LG-256682-OLS-24

The University at Albany Libraries, with Kansas State University and the University of Albany College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity, will digitize and expand an existing information literacy instruction game and create an accompanying educator guide to facilitate implementation of the game at academic, school, and public libraries. The project will collaborate with students and instructors in the informatics program at the University at Albany to design and program a web-based version of the print format game; conduct internal testing with focus groups at both universities; launch a beta version of the game for prototype testing, user experience testing, accessibility testing, and troubleshooting; conduct an additional round of feedback and iteration; develop facilitation and instruction guides on using the game; and launch the final version of the game. The game and educator guide will be made freely available to anyone who wants to incorporate gamification and active learning into their information instruction.