
Texas A&M University (Texas A&M University Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications)

Log Number: LG-256645-OLS-24

Texas A&M University, with the University of Oklahoma; the University Libraries of Purdue; the University of Nevada, Reno; Texas State University; and Prairie View A&M University, will develop an evidence-based research data management (RDM) core competency learning module and standardized measure for social sciences, focusing on library and information science (LIS) and education. Researchers will use an environmental scan, student survey, faculty interviews, and student focus groups to develop a RDM learning module. The team will deploy the module in graduate-level research methods courses across the partner universities to investigate the training’s effectiveness. Through rigorous statistical analysis, the research team will develop a core competency measure based on the intervention that will be evaluated across the partner institutions. The resulting widely applicable, standardized measure will have far-reaching effects on the social science and LIS research communities, as well as on the quality of academic library RDM services in supporting student success.