
University of Illinois

Log Number: LG-254863-OLS-23 (a)

Note: (a) denotes an amendment made outside of the original award
The University of Illinois Chicago, Blue Island Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Denver Public Library, East Baton Rouge Parish Library, Eaton Public Library, and the Public Library Association will develop an individualized, equity-focused evaluation framework for adult-serving public library makerspaces: Maker Benefit, Experience, and Equity (MBEE). The project will lay the foundation for building public libraries’ capacity to evaluate their adult-serving makerspaces by addressing four inter-related performance measures: 1) outcomes of makerspace participation; 2) relevance of those outcomes to individual participants (i.e., makers’ perceived benefits of participation); 3) makerspace access (i.e., participation by and barriers to participation for different populations); and 4) makers’ experience of the makerspace climate. Researchers will conduct focus groups with staff and adult makers and gather survey and observation data to hone the MBEE evaluation framework. Project beneficiaries are public libraries that can apply the framework to evaluate their makerspaces and use their findings to better address community needs and foster greater equity in makerspace services and participation.

Amendment 2024: $25,209 in additional funds were awarded in 2024 to collect and analyze data about adult makerspace services delivered in Spanish to help libraries better address the needs and interests of Spanish-speaking adults and foster greater equity in makerspace services and participation.