Michigan Library Consortium
Log Number: LG-252394-OLS-22
The Midwest Collaborative for Library Services, on behalf of the Michigan Digital Preservation Network (MDPN), will scale up a statewide digital preservation service focused on reducing barriers to participation for small and under-resourced cultural institutions. The project team will deploy a geographically dispersed production network with nodes managed by partners from diverse types of institutions; continue ongoing work and training required to build a community of practitioners to help govern, manage, and grow a community-centered digital preservation network; and communicate lessons learned to a national audience and consult with other state networks. The project team will document and present their work via topic-focused white papers and an adaptable implementation toolkit. The training and preservation aspects of the project will impact MDPN member organizations while the research and documentation created will benefit cultural institutions, particularly those that are small and under-resourced, across the country.