
University of North Texas (University of North Texas, College of Information)

Log Number: LG-252370-OLS-22

The University of North Texas (UNT) Department of Information Science, partnering with the UNT Oral History Program and Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Library and Information Science, will host a series of forums to identify best practices and strategies to respond to challenges around building, implementing, preserving, and accessing community oral history projects. The project team will convene librarians, archivists, oral history practitioners, public historians, community-based memory workers, and others working in oral history to identify good practices, share challenges and lessons learned, and prepare an actionable roadmap for building, implementing, preserving, and sustaining community oral history projects. The forums will result in a white paper summarizing the current state of the community oral history field and provide recommendations for future directions as well as an annotated resource guide of existing oral history guidelines, projects, programs, and collections. Subrecipient, LSU, will assist with scheduling and coordinating the virtual forums, collaborate on the white paper, and help disseminate project findings at conferences.
Project Proposals