
East Carolina University (East Carolina University, William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library)

Log Number: LG-252351-OLS-22

East Carolina University's Laupus Health Sciences Library will work with NC State University Agromedicine Extension, NC Area Health Education Centers, NC Farmworker Health Program, Student Action with Farmworkers, and the NC Agriculture Digital Alliance to research and address digital equity in rural agricultrural communities, specifically for migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Researchers will examine the prevalence of internet access and devices among farmworkers; the information literacy levels and needs or farmworkers and farmers; the current role of libraries in serving agricultural communities; and whether broadband plans typically include libraries and agricutural workers specifically. Deliverables will include webinars for librarians, newsletters and other digital documents, case studies of librarians with unique experiences or innovative ideas on providing resources and engaging with agricultural communities, and publications in library science journals. Migrant and seasonal farmworkers, community health workers, library staff, and agricultural communities will benefit from this project.
Project Proposals