

Log Number: LG-248567-OLS-20

LYRASIS will develop and pilot a turnkey eBook and eAudiobook service for state and public libraries based on Library Simplified, an open source eReading software suite. The service will deploy a cloud-based, remotely supported Library Simplified platform for collection management and provide a curated set of eBooks and eAudiobooks through a web catalog and virtual library card that allows immediate patron access via the SimplyE app. LYRASIS will pilot the turnkey service with 5 public and 5 state libraries. Included in development and testing will be new features to support patron web discovery of content, allow libraries to add locally generated eBooks or eAudiobooks to the platform, and provide advanced analytical tools to improve collections. The project will increase the availability of eContent and scale up adoption of Library Simplified by testing a hosted service that could be readily deployed with no significant work required on the part of the public library.