

Log Number: LG-246264-OLS-20

The DuraSpace Community Supported Programs at LYRASIS will develop, pilot, and document migration tools and paths to upgrade the repository software Fedora 3, which is widely used but no longer supported, to Fedora 6. Hundreds of U.S. libraries and archives use Fedora 3 repository software to preserve and deliver scholarly, scientific, and cultural heritage resources and services to patrons, often including unique digital content. Continued community reliance on Fedora 3 puts the stability, security, accessibility, and functionality of these repositories at risk. The community identified migration tools and documentation during a planning project as important resources to support Fedora 3 upgrade and migration processes, which are necessary to sustain repositories that provide critical access to digital collections. Pilot migrations will be conducted and documented for two Fedora 3 repositories; a toolkit then will be shared through training programs to support broad community adoption.