Exit Art/The First World, Inc.

Log Number: LG-20-04-0192-04

Exit Art proposes in conjunction with Franklin Furnace Archive and Conceptual & Intermedia Arts Online (CIAO) to develop a digital archive that will be model of how to record and preserve alternative art for other organizations. The project will partner with the Franklin Furnace Archive, using Franklin's current database as the base for development of the Exit Art Archive database. Conceptual art using multimedia, performances, and nontraditional concepts presents a unique challenge in preservation. Using the standards developed by CIAO, this project will work toward developing a model to make these works more accessible as well to preserve them. The database wall be structured so that there will be interorganizational archival operability among the CIAO members and other organizations that have these types of artistic works. Exit Art and CIAO will work together to make the database and collections records, the final digitization plan, and metadata scheme so that other organizations can use them.