Museum of Modern Art

Log Number: LG-20-03-0190-03

MoMA is collaborating with The National Gallery of Art (NGA) and the Munsell Color Science Laboratory of the Rochester Institute of Art (RIT) to use commercially available components to develop and build the true color imaging system. This new digital imaging system will allow institutions to capture the most accurate color images of their collections, thus cutting down on current digital imaging editing time and creating a better conservation tool for conservators to monitor color changes and fading over time. The project will be accomplished in four phases; IMLS funding will be primarily involved in Phases II and III. In Phase I, currently underway, the MoMA/NGA/RIT team is researching and developing the camera to be used in the new imaging system. Phase II (10/03-5/04) the team will refine the system camera, develop software, and plan color management for images transmitted on the Web and large-format printers. Phase III (6/04-5/05) the team will build and install the systems at all 3 institutions, test their operation, integrate them into the daily work. Phase IV (6/05-10/05) the team will disseminate project results through publications, workshops, and graduate fellowship opportunities. When the project is complete, the Museum anticipates the existence of three state-of-the-art, true color imaging systems at MoMA, NGA, and RIT. These will serve as prototypes for similar systems at other cultural institutions.