
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries

Log Number: IGSM-256086-OMS-24

The Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries will undertake planning to prepare for an expansion of its Discovery Wharf interpretive center. Located in Maine’s top lobster landing port, the center engages and informs the public about coastal communities, local fisheries, and the marine ecosystem. Center staff will partner with local stakeholders to form an advisory committee, develop exhibition themes, create a business and staffing needs plan, and complete interpretive training. The center will contract with a museum consultant to assist with exhibition design and planning. The project will result in a comprehensive plan for the expansion of Discovery Wharf to meet the demands of visitation and support community educational needs. Beneficiaries of the project include center staff, local education groups, the coastal Maine community, and visiting tourists.     
Project Proposals
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igsm-256086-oms-24-sample-application.pdf 278.89 KB