
DC History Center

Log Number: IGSM-255862-OMS-24

The DC History Center will develop and install a semi-permanent exhibition exploring the history of Black education in Washington, DC. The exhibition will explore themes that are relevant today: who has access to education and how; the role of activism in creating change; and the Black communities’ agency in resisting racist systems and structures. The center will collaborate with the Anacostia Community Museum and the Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives on the development of the exhibit. The project will support the purchase of exhibition equipment and materials, and the museum will contract with an evaluation consultant to conduct a post-opening analysis. The goal of the exhibition is to advance knowledge of Black educational history in the District of Columbia and its legacy. Telling this locally and nationally important story will benefit families, teachers, students, and visitors to the nation’s capital.
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
igsm-255862-oms-24-sample-application.pdf 461.63 KB