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Harvard University (Fisher Museum)

Log Number: IGSM-255760-OMS-24

The Fisher Museum at Harvard University’s School of Forestry will create a multimedia exhibition centering the voices of the Nipmuc people whose ancestral land is occupied by the museum. The exhibit will acknowledge Indigenous stewardship legacies and its potential for future land resilience. The project team will conduct archival research and interview Nipmuc Tribal individuals, produce a series of short films, and design and install a digital installation. The museum will partner with a Nipmuc artist and community organizer to co-curate the exhibit. Museum staff will purchase digital equipment, provide two paid internships and a graduate student assistantship, and offer paid honorariums for Nipmuc participants. The museum will contract with a video editor and evaluation specialist. The project will result in an Indigenous-led, traveling, multimedia exhibition that will benefit the Nipmuc Tribe and public, student, and professional visitors.
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
igsm-255760-oms-24-sample-application.pdf 998.18 KB