
Ava Gardner Museum

Log Number: IGSM-255614-OMS-24

The Ava Gardner Museum will digitize and rehouse its collection of oversized paper-based materials including film posters, large-format photographs, and scrapbooks that document the iconic film legend. The museum identified this collection in need of improved preservation as part of a previous IMLS inventory and cataloging project. This digitization and rehousing project will support museum staff to manage and oversee this improvement and purchase camera equipment, a flat-file storage cabinet, and archival supplies. The project team will partner with the Johnston County Heritage Center to digitize a portion of the collection using their large-format scanner. The results of the project will be improved preservation and access to the collection through virtual exhibitions and an online catalog, benefiting researchers, film historians, and the public. 
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
igsm-255614-oms-24-sample-application.pdf 491.54 KB