
Puget Sound Estuarium

Log Number: IGSM-253519-OMS-23

Puget Sound Estuarium will expand its partnership with the 21st Century Community Learning Center and offer a suite of out-of-school programs for K-12 students in Thurston County, Washington, including field trips to Budd Inlet and Henderson Inlet. The Estuarium’s STEM After School Program, Spring Tides Camp, and Estuary Explorers Summer Camps are designed to support STEM fundamentals, and are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. The project will provide students with hands-on, estuarine ecology education in the classroom, at the Estuarium facility, and in the field, and teachers will be provided with estuary learning kits for use in classrooms. The Estuarium will hire a part-time intern to support education staff and fill in as the field lead when necessary. As a result, K-12 youth will be empowered to become the next generation of stewards, scientists, and conservationists of our watersheds in the South Puget Sound region, the Salish Sea at large, and beyond.