
University of Montana (Star Gazing Room)

Log Number: IGSM-251689-OMS-22

The Star Gazing Room at the University of Montana will prepare undergraduate students to develop educational programs for K–12 students and youth audiences. The project team will train cohorts of paid, undergraduate planetarium educators in informal science education and role model engagement as well as conduct team building and mentorship activities. The student educators will develop creative content and lead planetarium shows and astronomy outreach to K–12 schools and youth-serving organizations in the Missoula region, including from the nearby Flathead Reservation. The project activities will help cultivate the undergraduate educators’ self-efficacy and sense of belonging in STEM and higher education while also positively influencing K–12 students’ knowledge of, and interest in, astronomy. The project will strengthen the Star Gazing Room’s workforce and enhance its ability to reach K–12 and public audiences.