San Benito, County Of

Log Number: CAGML-248004-OMLS-20

The San Benito County Free Library will improve access to reliable internet connection and library resources in the community during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The library will revitalize its technology unit by hiring a digital services librarian and two office assistants. This unit will convert all library resources, services, and programming to a digital format, if applicable, and create new digital content, such as video technology tutorials, online recommended reading lists, FAQ pages, and more. The Digital Services unit will also acquire, prepare, and deploy mobile Wi-Fi hotspots, e-readers, and laptops for checkout by the community. Finally, the Digital Services unit will place remoteLocker and 24-Hour library units in the community so members can check out books and pick up supplies for STEAM projects without having to come to the library and risk exposure to COVID-19.