American Latino History and Culture Program Listening Session 1

Event | June 30, 2023

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You’re invited to a community listening session to support research and planning for a new “Museum Grants for American Latino History and Culture Program” (ALHC Program). The ALHC Program was authorized for creation by the National Museum of the American Latino Act of Congress in 2020—the same Act that authorized the Smithsonian’s establishment of a National Museum of the American Latino. The ALHC Program will aim to build and strengthen the capacity of American Latino museums and education organizations nationwide. The Urban Institute, a nonprofit research organization based in Washington DC, is working in collaboration with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and its Office of Research and Evaluation to conduct this research project.

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*Esta sesión se llevará a cabo en inglés, si prefiere una sesión en español, consulte el evento del 12 de julio.

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Virtual (Zoom)
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