American Latino Museum Internship and Fellowship Initiative Kickoff Webinar (Live)

Event | December 27, 2023

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The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) hosted a Kickoff Webinar for the American Latino Museum Internship and Fellowship Initiative (ALMIFI). The American Latino Museum Internship and Fellowship Initiative (ALMIFI), is designed to strengthen the institutional capacity of American Latino museums, provide paid internship and fellowship opportunities for a diverse range of students, and build connections between colleges, universities, and museums.

ALMIFI is open applications from now until March 1, 2024. All potential applicants are invited to view a recording of the January 17, 2024 informational webinar.

Download the webinar transcript (PDF, 181KB)

Download the presentation (PDF, 1.9MB)


  • An introduction to IMLS
  • An overview of ALMIFI
  • Examples of successful applications
  • A question-and-answer period


This event is intended for potential applicants. Representatives from the following organization types are encouraged to attend:

  • American Latino museums,
  • Nonprofit agencies that operate American Latino museums,
  • Museum service organizations/associations, and
  • Institutions of Higher Education, including universities, community colleges, and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI[s]).


Event Location
American Latino Museum Internship and Fellowship Initiative
Date Time