This blog was originally published on the WebWise 2014 blog.  By Lisa Rhody This year, WebWise will be drawing from and improving upon the highly popular “unconference” format of previous years by spreading WiseCamp  sessions throughout the first 2 days of WebWise 2014.  In 2012, WiseCamp took the shape of an “unconference” modeled after The Humanities and Technology Camp <>  ( and was held the day before the WebWise 2012 Conference. WiseCamp is an unconference format, meaning it is “a conference where the content of the sessions is created and managed by the participants, generally day-by-day during the course of the event, rather than by one or more organizers in advance of the event.” An unconference is not a spectator event, like a traditional conference. Its success depends on passionate participants contributing to the discussions. No papers will be submitted, no formal presentations made. You needn’t be a hacker or coder to participate, merely someone with energy to explore possibilities and problems raised by the application of technologies to museums and libraries. Participants will create the agenda first through an online suggestion format similar to the way in which workshop ideas were polled.  During the morning of Monday, February 10th, participants will gather together to present more ideas and schedule the sessions alongside other workshop and plenary events during WebWise.  Participants can choose to attend either workshop or WiseCamp sessions over the next day and a half.  In WiseCamp sessions, participants can expect to discuss their work, share their wisdom, build things, and actively collaborate with fellow participants in a welcoming, energizing environment. Much of this work occurs in small breakout groups. Bring your ideas, your laptop or mobile, and a willingness to try something new that you can bring back to your home institution.  Check back on this site next week when we begin soliciting ideas for WiseCamp sessions online!