This blog was originally published on the WebWise 2014 blog.
By Lisa Rhody
In an effort to create a sustained resource for the WebWise community we are pleased to announce the launch of a new publication, WebWise Now. It is an experimental, edited publication that aggregates, highlights, and distributes informally published resources from the open web that have been written by and for gallery, library, archive, and museum (GLAM) professionals about digitally-inflected projects. WebWise Now highlights resources and articles—available openly on the web—that drive the digital library, museum, and archive field forward as Features. Additionally, items of interest to the field—jobs, calls for papers, conference and funding announcements, reports, and recently-released resources—are redistributed as News.
How this works
WebWise Now aggregates potential content via RSS feeds from web publications sharing high-quality material about doing digital work that might interest GLAM professionals. The list of sites includes individuals’ professional blogs, institutional sites, online newsletters and repositories, and other feeds. In the coming months, we invite readers to suggest feeds of sites they find to be valuable resources. Over the coming months, we will offer readers an opportunity to see our RSS feed and make further suggestions, as well. We also uncover material by monitoring Twitter and other social media for stories discussed by the community, and by continuously scanning the broader web through generalized and specialized search engines. Powered by the PressForward plugin for WordPress, WebWise Now is a pilot project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in support of its annualWebWise conference. WebWise Now is edited and managed by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) at George Mason University. WebWise Now is an experimental publication and part of the Center’s Press Forward Initiative, where its Digital Humanities Now publication has been refining processes of aggregating, discovering, selecting, and reviewing material from the open web in order to extend and enrich conversations within a community of digital humanities practitioners.Constantly Updating Content
New content will be made available each week. Check back regularly to find a constantly updated collection of articles selected with museum, library, and archive audiences in mind. Also, in the coming months, we will be soliciting RSS feeds from those members of the community who share their work and best practices online so that their work can be included in our aggregated list and potentially highlighted by WebWise Now.Initiatives