The Council of American Jewish Museums (CAJM,) in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS,) announce the release of the Museums Respond: Strategies for Countering Antisemitism & Hate Field Guide to Resources for the nation’s museums that provides the respected practices and curated education resources from museums to address antisemitism and to help Americans address hate and build understanding between different communities.

This report focuses on state-and territory-level profiles covering public library financial health, resources, services, usage, and staffing from FY 2018 through FY 2021.

This research brief describes recent methodological initiatives with the Public Libraries Survey.

This research brief highlights how public libraries ensured patrons continued access to library services during the pandemic through 2021.

This research brief highlights how public libraries ensured patrons had access to library services as the pandemic forced closures in communities around the nation beginning in March 2020.

This research brief chronicles how State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAA) formed new partnerships with other government departments and agencies to provide services to libraries in their jurisdictions or members of the public during the onset of the pandemic. The brief also describes how SLAAs adapted to new restrictions related to on-site work.

The State Library Administrative Agency (SLAA) survey has collected information about state libraries since 1994 on an annual (until FY 2010) or biennial (since FY 2010) basis.

This research brief explores trends of public libraries’ physical and electronic collections expenditures and circulation between 2014 and 2018.

A library card provides greater independence and access to literacy and information, while signifying increased responsibility and self-efficacy. Are there differences between children who do or do not have a library card? This brief focuses on children’s library card ownership in the first grade.