
Log Number: MA-10-15-0097-15

Minnetrista will transform the historic 1895 G.A. Ball home, of canning jar fame, currently visited primarily for architectural interest, into a dynamic destination for family learning and shared experiences. The "G.A. Ball Home Experience" will deepen visitors' understanding of the way the family lived and worked together between 1900 and the mid-1930's, and challenge them to consider their own narrative and what they can accomplish together. Visitors will experience interpretive storytelling and hands-on family activities in four household interactive zones. This project links Minnetrista's new interpretive framework with a broad-based community planning initiative to create a flagship visitor experience that will connect people and encourage engagement. The project is expected to attract more than 6,000 visitors annually, and will inform other historic properties seeking to refresh their visitor experiences. Minnetrista will share successes through professional development conferences and publications of state, regional, and national museum associations.